BMI Calculator

ClassificationBMI Range
Severe Thinness< 16
Moderate Thinness16 - 17
Mild Thinness17 - 18.5
Normal18.5 - 25
Overweight25 - 30
Obese Class I30 - 35
Obese Class II35 - 40
Obese Class III> 40

How is BMI calculated?

Body mass index (BMI) is an essential measure of your body fat based on your weight and height, giving you insight into whether you are at a healthy weight or not. With our simple and user-friendly calculator, you can easily determine your BMI, and gain valuable information about your health.

How to calculate BMI for women

Calculating BMI for women is simple and straightforward. To calculate your BMI, follow these steps:

  1. Measure your height in inches or meters and your weight in pounds or kilograms.

  2. Square your height measurement. For example, if you’re 5’5″ (65 inches) tall, your height squared would be 4225.

  3. Divide your weight by the number you calculated in step 2. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, and your height squared is 4225, you would divide 140 by 4225, which equals 0.0331.

  4. Multiply the number you got in step 3 by 703 if you measured your height in inches and your weight in pounds. If you measured your height in meters and your weight in kilograms, skip this step. Using our example above, 0.0331 multiplied by 703 equals 23.3.

  5. The number you get in step 4 is your BMI. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy for women.

Bear in mind that your state of health should not only be defined by your BMI; it is only one tool to evaluate your general health. It’s generally a good idea to discuss your health and any worries you may have with your doctor.

How to calculate BMI for men

Calculating BMI for men is very similar to calculating BMI for women. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Measure your height in inches or meters and your weight in pounds or kilograms.

  2. Square your height measurement. For example, if you’re 6’0″ (72 inches) tall, your height squared would be 5184.

  3. Divide your weight by the number you calculated in step 2. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, and your height squared is 5184, you would divide 180 by 5184, which equals 0.0347.

  4. Multiply the number you got in step 3 by 703 if you measured your height in inches and your weight in pounds. If you measured your height in meters and your weight in kilograms, skip this step. Using our example above, 0.0347 multiplied by 703 equals 24.4.

  5. The number you get in step 4 is your BMI. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy for men.

Keeping in mind that your health status should not only be determined by your BMI; it is only one instrument for assessing your general health. It’s typically a good idea to discuss your health and any worries you may have with your doctor.

BMI Chart for Adults

The BMI chart is a graph that displays various BMI classifications based on information from the World Health Organization (WHO) data.The chart is divided into four major categories: underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese.

BMI Chart

The WHO defines a BMI of less than 18.5 as underweight, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 as normal weight, a BMI between 25 and 29.9 as overweight, and a BMI of 30 or higher as obese. The dashed lines on the chart represent subdivisions within these major categorizations.

For instance, there are two subgroups under the underweight category: severely underweight (BMI less than 16) and moderately underweight (BMI between 16 and 18.5). The overweight category is also divided into two subcategories: pre-obese (BMI between 25 and 29.9) and obese class I (BMI between 30 and 34.9).

While BMI is a helpful tool for determining general health, it’s crucial to remember that it’s not 100% perfect. It ignores elements like muscle mass, bone density, and body composition that can influence a person’s weight and health. Therefore, the best course of action is to speak with a healthcare professional to consult whether your current weight is healthy for you.

Is Body Mass Index reliable?

Finding out your BMI can help assess your weight-related health risks. Discover its importance of accurate assessments of obesity, as being overweight or obese can significantly increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Learn how BMI can be a useful tool in determining ideal weight for individuals, and how it can also help identify health risks. Although BMI has some shortcomings, it’s generally a good estimate of weight-related health risks for most adults. Find out when BMI may underestimate or overestimate risks, particularly in the 25-35 BMI range.

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